Dose of Optimism #1

Who talks about optimism in the middle of a pandemic?  
If I had to make a bet, it would be that a lot of you are opening this email from home right now. Am I right?  And maybe you are feeling understandably anxious.  The idea of ‘social distancing’ and ‘flattening the curve’ (which most of us weren’t familiar with until a few days ago) have seamlessly slid into our vocabulary. 
We are surrounded by stories and ideas that might even… make us pessimistic.
But there ARE ways to be optimistic in a pandemic. We need to share stories that help us remember the lightness of being:  the ways we are caring for ourselves and the ways we can all help care for others.  
We NEED to be surrounded by stories and ideas that might even make us OPTIMISTIC.
Toward that end, here are a few examples of what might make you a bit more optimistic today:

  • Check out “How to Stay Optimistic, Even in a Pandemic"  — my opinion piece in this past weekend's Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (Hint: it is more than a how-to, it is a call to arms.

  • Look at what Erin Hinson did in Kentucky!  Erin was concerned about people over age 60 having to go out in this mess and she created a match program where young people could help their elderly neighbors.  Erin started this on Friday—by Saturday she had over 400 volunteers.  Amazing!  

  • And, in case you haven’t heard it already, listen to some optimistic Italians singing (in harmony, no less!) from their balconies as they weather the storm in hard-hit Italy. THAT is the sound of positivity.  

So starting today, in light of the changes in the world around us, the Weekly Dose of Optimism is changing into a Daily Dose of Optimism – a (mostly) daily email that goes beyond your distressing Facebook news feeds (and the #Conronapocalypse social media posts) and shares a few ideas and insights that help make us feel better, not worse, about what is happening in our world. That helps connect us, now more than ever.
Now, we can’t do it alone. To help create the Optimistic America we know is possible, we need lots of allies and partners who want to spread a daily dose of optimism to their friends, families and coworkers. So in addition to reading today’s dose below, we ask that you consider:

  • Forwarding this email to your friends and encouraging them to sign up here!

  • Sending us links, ideas and opportunities YOU want to share with the thousands of individuals needing a daily dose of of optimism.   

  • Sharing with us projects, opportunities or services you are offering to help people stay safe and connected at home or in your communities. You can email us here

  • Oh, and maybe you want to be part of the scrappy team that creates and supports the Daily Dose of Optimism and fosters an Optimistic America?  You can contact us here!

Starting tomorrow our emails will be short, with a bit of the usual optimistic thinking, but also a small handful of links and ideas to help you make your day a bit more optimistic.  Because while these are unprecedented times, we also have an unprecedented ability to stay connected and persevere.  THAT is the essence of Optimistic America
I am hopeful you will join us.  See you tomorrow.

Seth Cohen