What is your Q1 (L)earnings Report?


The four-part template I developed for my personal (L)earnings Report is easy.

Really. It’s so easy you might even want to try it too.

Part One: Describe the top three to five key lessons you learned over the past three months.

Part Two: List the key sources of knowledge that were new or particularly useful over the past three months. These could come from media sources, mentors and advisors, classes or conferences.

Part Three:  Identify the key areas of knowledge and experience you want deepen in the coming months.

Part Four: Identify the one or two specific activities that will help you achieve the priorities identified in part three. 

It’s simple, right? 

Maybe, or maybe not. Just like a financial earnings report is, for better or worse, intended to mirror business performance, the same is true for a (L)earnings report. If you want to do it right, you have to be honest with yourself and ask the hard questions about your personal performance. 

  • What did I learn?

  • Did I learn from my failures?

  • Am I prioritizing my learning, and how will I do so in the months ahead?

  • Am I leveraging my knowledge sources so I can learn more?

Of course, the good news is that unlike the widely shared earnings reports of publicly-traded companies, you don’t need feel compelled to share your quarterly (L)earnings report.

But maybe you should.

Sure, it can be a bit messy to share lessons learned, especially since it may feel like you are acknowledging mistakes. But we all make mistakes, and it might be helpful to share your experience and goals with the right network. When you are transparent in sharing goals and experiences, you increase your chances of finding allies who can help you achieve your (L)earnings and earnings goals.

So in that spirit, and in the spirit of practicing what I preach, I am sharing my 2019 Q1 (L)earnings Report. I welcome not only accountability, but also any advice you would like to share about how I can achieve my learning goals for Q2.

I encourage you to share your (L)earnings Report too – perhaps if more of us do so, then we can learn more from each other and make sure our second quarter (L)earnings Report is one that we can all look forward to sharing!